PT parties
I wanted to combine two of my favourite things, exercise and Prosecco and turn it into a fun evening in the comfort of a home environment. It is a great way to get groups of friends together and to introduce exercise to people that may feel overwhelmed by gyms and exercising in public. It is a safe space to exercise, enjoy good company, good food and a drink or two!
I provide a 45 minute training session followed by 45 minutes of Q&A where I will open up the bubbles and everyone can relax after those feel good, post exercise endorphins and you can ask me any questions.
After the PT party evening, I will provide a 4 week follow up where I send out weekly workouts that can be done at home and I am on hand, along with group support to encourage, motivate and offer guidance and accountability.
Prices are £25 a head with a minimum of 4 people. This has proven to be such an enjoyable way to get fit, have a laugh and get results with no need to join a gym or own any equipment, all the follow up workouts can be done at home. It’s a night in with friends with exercise thrown in that promises to be beneficial for all levels, both entertaining and uplifting.
Request Free Consultation

07852 155 966 kelly@vivacityuk.co.uk